02 February 2016

New Changes and a Math Freebie

Holy Smokes-
     Where do I start? If you follow my blog, you probably thought my grammatical self, or lack thereof, fell off the face of the planet. I'm please to announce I have not fallen off the edge of the earth, but have had some major changes in my life. Sooooo, because you know I love lists... here you go. I'll try and go in order and maybe, just maybe, I'll get back to blogging more often.

#1 I had the pleasure of rocking out yet another fabulous trip to Washington, DC with the best teachers, students and parents.
#2 I had been at the same school for 12 years and new principals and assistant principals were very common every year or two. I decided to take a risk and turn in my resume to another wonderful school that had very little turn over in administration and teachers.
#3 We found out we were expecting another addition to our family.... Toured DC, walking an estimated 8-9 miles (according to my friends fitbit)... interviewed to a new school. Accepted the position.... Moved 13 years of teaching (hoarding) materials... and finished out another year.
#4 Moved to a new school, new kids (that didn't know me from Adam, new parents, new staff.
#5 Did I mention I was pregnant?
#6 Unpacked and moved in my new room, new grade, new curriculum... still very pregnant, with an 8 year old and 5 year old helping.
#7 Had my little sweetie pie number three.
#8 My husband had major neck surgery... with a newborn baby...
#9 Back to teaching!

      When I moved to a new school, I made the big move to fourth grade. A grade I had never previously taught. However, I had five years experience in fifth and eight years experience in third. In third grade academically gifted students are not identified or serviced yet, so I challenged myself to challenge them in all subjects. So I dabbled in some 4th grade materials. In fifth grade, I would have a few kids each year that were not working on grade level, so I had to work backwards to clear up misconceptions prior to moving forward in new material. So, I thought I would have a pretty good handle on fourth grade right? Let's just say, a new grade level is a new grade level. I was nervous about fitting in with a new team, learning a new curriculum and working with parents that didn't know my reputation from previous parents. But new surprises have been lurking around every corner. I have fallen in love with my new team and remained close friends with my old team. The parents have been wonderful and they had heard of me through the grapevine. And, my kids are amazing. I'm still overwhelmed, but so glad to have great support in every direction. I'm so in love with life and living each day to the fullest. So I finally had an opportunity to create some new math posters and now they are yours. Enjoy, click on the picture to follow the link for the download.

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