03 August 2014

Back to School Sale and Awesome Behavior Management Books

Select the Back to School Sale image above and it will direct you to my store.  But don't stop there.  So many amazing teachers have their store discounted for a total of 28%.  So, make your list and check it twice. 
ALSO, here is a set of books I have had my eye on and now's your chance to win them....
I have heard wonderful reviews of these books and I just can't wait to get my hands on them this year.  Hopefully, out amazing Librarian can get them so our whole school has access.  And what is even better, a local teacher (who is just AH-MAZ-ING) wrote these books.  They even have activity guides.  So if you are a huge fan on incorporating positive behavior management systems, you need to get these books right away before the school year begins. 

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