28 January 2014

New Computer Desktop- I'm Lovin IT!

So I absolutely loved this beautiful picture on pinterest of a chevron background with beautiful pin boards for the desktop icons. Well, I went to actually go to the website (that's funny, because all I do is pin things.)  Ha, don't judge me, you probably do it too.  I mean you didn't think I actually looked up all 3,500 pins I have did ya?   LOL
This is my before picture of my school computer!  Horrible I know!  I just find or make great stuff and save to my desktop and file later.... or not!)
Blah, blah, blah... short story shorter.  It had me going here, downloading this and that (back of my mind is some hacker is going to steal all my information) purchase this, blah, blah, OH WAIT!
Learning how to do all the teacherspayteachers previews, pictures, and creative files.  I remembered I could take a powerpoint slide and save as a jpeg and wa...lah!  Change my desktop to fabulous!  So here's how I changed my school and home desktops to look. 
Well, here is my school desktop after.

 Much better.  Here's the scary part.  My home desktop is even worse. My excuse is because my extra job of making teacher materials keeps me from overthinking things, depression, and worry.  It puts me in a creative mood and allows me to be productive instead of CRAZY!  I'm so serious.  I get a lot of positive feedback and feel like I'm doing some good in this crazy world.  Especially the crazy world of teaching!  Ha.... right?!?!
So, drumroll please....

So, thank you for being so patient reading all this, here are the steps to creating a great digital background from a pc person.  ( I can't wait to switch to mac, but honestly I'm scared)

First create a powerpoint slide with the background you want. 
Insert digital frames where you like.
Insert text boxes to label your frames or not (preference).
Save file as ppt (just incase you need to make changes)
Save file as jpeg.
Go to your computer preferences and change the background of your display.
Super!  You have a new background to help organize your life.
 Have a super safe snowy week!  I'm so ready for summer!!!!

Let me know if you would be interest in a couple designs for free on TPT!

~ Tara


  1. YES!!! I would be interested in YOU making it for me! LOL!


  2. Absolutely Shannon! My email is sharkbait130@gmail.com. Email me the chevron color and the titles you want. I'll make a couple for you and you can pick which one you like! Thanks for your feedback! :)


I would love to hear your ideas!