30 January 2014

How to add a HYPERLINK to your TPT Description

Snow, snow go away, come again..... NEVER!  I live in FREAKING North Carolina, on the coast!  Minutes from the BEACH!  I don't want fluffy white snow.  I want soft, crunchy, hot, scorching sand, salt water and SUN! 

Okay, I will admit it was fun to enjoy my two girls excitement about making snow angels, sledding (in laundry baskets and boogie boards) down an otherwise dangerous hill. 
 This one makes me think of the fabulous movie FROZEN!  Do you want to build a snowman?

That would be my fabulous husband, who gets the father of the year award.  I get the photographer/ mother award.  Hahaha  No seriously, I guess I can handle a snow day or two.  But we have been out of school all week, and I can't help but think we are going to have to make this all up on WARM DAYS.  Oiiii.


I'm sure there are several tutorials out there.  Apparently, it takes me a while to find the right one when I need to learn something.  So I spend countless minutes searching until, oh joy, finally what I was searching for. 

Here's how to create a hyperlink in your TPT file! 

What you will need:

1.  The title of the item you wish to link to in your store.
2.  Copy and paste the web address to that item

Next, open a new window and travel to this amazing blog: Gordon's Blog.
He has this handy, dandy hyperlink generator.  Fascinating I know.


Paste the URL or web address to your store item in the URL box.
Then, type the title of your store item. (this is the pretty blue words that will ultimately send your beloved shopper to your other item)
Press the submit button!

And wah-lahhhhhh!

Copy and paste that long-butt code into your TPT description and you have a handy-dandy hyperlink that will take them to some other fabulous item in your store in a hink-pink click. 

F to the Y to the Izzy Izzy EYE!  You can also do this to insert a hyperlink for your blog when you leave sweet comments to other bloggers.

~ Tara

29 January 2014


Another snow day and another tomorrow.  Of course the safety of our children is so important, but I'm going stir crazy.  At least today we had the opportunity to sled a little.  Now granted it was on boogie boards and in laundry baskets.  But nonetheless, we went sledding. 

Here is a flash freebie you can get for the next week.  It's an ecosystem total review.  You can print the notes pages or you can print the student pages for them to fill in as they learn.  Such flexibility.  I would love to hear your positive feedback on this product.  Many times I put stuff out there and it takes about 200 downloads before I hear anything.  I guess that's the life of teachers pay teachers.  I'm sorry I haven't looked into a drop box to load this document.  If you follow my tpt store I usually offer great (wink, wink) discounts when I first post items. 

Also, I tried to come up with a creative name for this set of study sheets.  T.O.P.P  Test Opportunity Prep & Pass!!!!!   I know I want my kids to have a comprehensive study guide before big tests and could never find anything.  So ultimately I would write or type my own study guide.  Please let me know how you like this product or how I can make it better.  Thanks.

You can click on the pictures or use this link.




Stay warm and safe. Is it too early to start a summer countdown?

~ Tara

28 January 2014

New Computer Desktop- I'm Lovin IT!

So I absolutely loved this beautiful picture on pinterest of a chevron background with beautiful pin boards for the desktop icons. Well, I went to actually go to the website (that's funny, because all I do is pin things.)  Ha, don't judge me, you probably do it too.  I mean you didn't think I actually looked up all 3,500 pins I have did ya?   LOL
This is my before picture of my school computer!  Horrible I know!  I just find or make great stuff and save to my desktop and file later.... or not!)
Blah, blah, blah... short story shorter.  It had me going here, downloading this and that (back of my mind is some hacker is going to steal all my information) purchase this, blah, blah, OH WAIT!
Learning how to do all the teacherspayteachers previews, pictures, and creative files.  I remembered I could take a powerpoint slide and save as a jpeg and wa...lah!  Change my desktop to fabulous!  So here's how I changed my school and home desktops to look. 
Well, here is my school desktop after.

 Much better.  Here's the scary part.  My home desktop is even worse. My excuse is because my extra job of making teacher materials keeps me from overthinking things, depression, and worry.  It puts me in a creative mood and allows me to be productive instead of CRAZY!  I'm so serious.  I get a lot of positive feedback and feel like I'm doing some good in this crazy world.  Especially the crazy world of teaching!  Ha.... right?!?!
So, drumroll please....

So, thank you for being so patient reading all this, here are the steps to creating a great digital background from a pc person.  ( I can't wait to switch to mac, but honestly I'm scared)

First create a powerpoint slide with the background you want. 
Insert digital frames where you like.
Insert text boxes to label your frames or not (preference).
Save file as ppt (just incase you need to make changes)
Save file as jpeg.
Go to your computer preferences and change the background of your display.
Super!  You have a new background to help organize your life.
 Have a super safe snowy week!  I'm so ready for summer!!!!

Let me know if you would be interest in a couple designs for free on TPT!

~ Tara

06 January 2014


Good Evening YOU amazing teachers out there!

This is how focused I am.  I am supposed to be working on lesson plans, laundry, workshop materials......something.... anything other than PLAYING.  But here I am working on a new FONT.  What?!?! You heard that correctly!  Here is my sweet Little Ladybug Alice Font!  One of my besties at work loves, adores, cherishes, ladybugs!  Recently she has went through a more than difficult time.  I haven't been able to stop thinking about her, therefore, pooffff.... a new font was created. 

I love my friend dearly.  If you have ever known someone close to you that has gone through a difficult time, you know the only thing you want to do (relieve them of the pain and hurt) you just can't.  You can't say any of the right words, do the right things..... all you can do is just be there and pray.  Pray it will go by fast, heal with sweet memories, and be able to enjoy life again... one day. One day at a time. 

Here is the font and the link to my store.  I have been inspired by so many amazing teachers, I hope this might inspire you to create something cute and thoughtful for your kiddos.  I would love to hear about what you make!




Here is the link:

Enjoy, I would love to hear your positive feedback.  And please always let me know if I have majorly screwed up anywhere!  Goodnight youz guyz!!!!
~ Tara

05 January 2014

So Nervous! and other Random Babbeling Stuff....

I am working on putting together my first workshop.  Oh, crap!  What did I sign up for.  Ahhhh!!! Also, I am one of those people that it takes me quite a while to get focused on my computer.  There are so many things to distract someone out there.  However, I took a nap today.  So I have already painted my nails, and not just any paint!  I did the 30 minute whole gel nail system so they will stay on for two weeks.  Ooooiiiiii, am I going to get focused tonight? 

On the other hand, I love all the great feedback on my new font!  Yay! However, I'm worrying about the two or three 3.5 ratings on free items.  Seriously, if it's free and you don't like it or it's not perfect, why down rate the item.  I'm just saying.... but I can't let go of (I really need to) the 3 out of 128 perfect scores on my TPT products.  I know a 3.5 is not horrible, but come on people it's free!  Okay, that rant is over.

Back to the workshop.... (I'm a little unfocused, ya think?)

There are a few things I know for sure when I do this mini workshop.  I know the kinds of workshops I love to attend.  I love when I'm treated like a professional.  You know a fun welcome, coffee and fruit (new year, everyone's going to be on healthy goals). If they don't like what they get at least they will get a good cup of joe! Ha

Not speaking down to the teachers about what social studies integrated with language arts, but asking about what they already implement, brainstorm new ideas and leave (hopefully) feeling rejuvenated with new ideas and perspectives.

Another thing I love about a great workshop is when you leave with something you can take directly back and use in the classroom.  I plan on having a 30 minute make and take so teachers can directly implement (or not) the skills in the classroom.

Make the conversation truly common core.  Provide an idea and allow the teachers to create instruction, lessons, and activities directly on the spot!  Not just use an hour and a half, but make it part of their planning they can take right back to the kids. 

I would love to hear what your idea of a great hour and half workshop should offer!!!!

~ Tara

01 January 2014

New Year, New FONT! Yay!

Happy New Year Everyone! 

There are so many things I'm excited about this coming year. 

ONE is my new FONT! 

Here is an example of what it looks like.

Here is the file for you to download.  Enjoy!  Happy 2014!

~ Tara