01 June 2013

Yay! A Currently with Farley

Hi Peeps,

I feel like I'm getting back into the blog world.  Two little girls, graduate school, oh boy!  I truly love what I do with children.  I'm excited to wrap up another school year, work on improving, and redecorating my classroom, vacation and begin the whole thing again.  I'm really inspired by all the teachers that have amazing blogs, classrooms, and ideas!  I hope you all know how amazing you are!

Here is my first Currently!!!! Yay!
 Thanks Farley @Oh' boy fourth grade

I hope you have a little time to join my blog and share some awesome ideas with me! 
Thanks for all that you do!

~ Tara


  1. I hear ya on the graduate class. Between that, the end of the year, trying to keep my house in SOME semblance of order, spend time with my kiddo and take a moment or two for myself I am BEAT! I am done with that June 19th. Cant wait! :)
    Diving Into 2nd Grade

  2. What audio book are you listening to? I've only listened to 1 in my whole life and it was this past year. I get SO distracted! :)

    I'm starting the National Writing Project on Monday and will be driving 72 miles each way each day so I need to get some audio books to listen to and just make myself FOCUS!!


  3. I posted my first addition to the Currently fun a couple of months ago. Remembering to do one gets me refreshed with my blogging. Hope it does the same for you!

    Julie aka Southern Teacher
    Southern Teacher WBT

  4. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leading me to yours! The best way to get followers is definitely through linky parties :)

  5. Great ladies,
    Thanks for all the feedback! Well, this may sound dorky, but I needed a motivational pep up and I was listening to Ron Clarks, End of Molasses Classes. Traditionally, I love highlighting and marking up his books. They have amazing ideas, but I'm super ADHD and was listening to his book while working on graduate class stuff. It is definitely motivating!
    Thanks, thanks, thanks girls!

  6. Hi~ Found you blog via the linky. Very cute...I'm your newest follower. :)
    Brandee @ Creating Lifelong Learners


I would love to hear your ideas!