10 December 2011

Are You Ready for Some Football?!?!

Traditionally this time of year we get all worked up over a door decorating contest.  Teachers in older grades don't have the extra assistant to help with the decorations to make it all glitz and glam.  We have tried to put forth effort.  Some grades have disputed that lower grades exhibit the work of the teachers and assistants for most of the work.  And it has been a big deal!  I stand on the fence.  I'm a recovering people pleaser and care toooooo much what people think.  I can see where both parties stand.  I teach third grade and have participated in the door contest each year and once as a fifth grade teacher.  Seven years ago I coordinated our door with the theme, "have a very merry estuary."  Trying to tie in the curriculum on human and environment interactions.  The kids all collected shells and decorated them.  We had a Christmas tree of shells, posters of pollution, fish, animals, nets, turtles, marsh grass.  All encompassing a Christmas theme.  I felt slighted when no one seemed to pay attention.  Nor did we win the contest.  Then to turn around and have to rip it all down for January.  I also don't want to be anti-anything because I don't have the 'extra' help.  It also looks poorly when a grade level or levels don't participate in a school wide initiative, no matter what it is.  We all need to support each other.  It does take more instructional time to have the kids work on 'pretty' activities to go outside our door.  With all that being said.

I am sad we are not doing the contest.  Yes, I griped and said, "I don't have time, don't have help, and we have to prepare kids for the EOGs."  But we have always found a way.  SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO......

I wanted to decorate my door but didn't want to have to rip it down in January..... Thinking wheels went turning.  My idea..... Football doors and a cute poem to help kids to remember their reading, math and learning strategies. 

In third grade we use the runners strategies for reading passages.  For the most part, we see a lot of success when kids apply these strategies.  I am not a sports fan in ANY way.  However, I love people who LOVE one team and root for them.  I don't have a team so to speak of, but I love, love, love the ocean.  So I guess I'm team Ariel.  Hehehe

My Aunts in West Virginia root for three different teams.  My Aunt Angel and her family are die hard Steelers fans.  They have some pretty silly pictures to show for at games too.  My YOUNGER Aunt Sarah is not a football fan but roots for the Ohio Bobcats to defy her husband who loves Marshall.  So, I needed something my kids could relate to, I chose STEELERS.  And they have an old song, "black and yellow" that the kids love.

Yes, Auntie Ang even has a Steeler's Christmas tree! 
You  are thinking... I am some random chick.  Maybe you can't think as fast as me.  No, I am random.

I made a door in which I hope to elaborate different strategies to help us become successful.  I highlighted the door in steelers colors.  I also want to have some playoff energizers where they chant things to help them become successful with football exercises.

The idea is we can take different real jobs each day and quickly brainstorm things they might do to help them be successful.  For example: A doctor wouldn't just start with medicine before checking weight, symptoms, small tests, xrays.  A landscaper wouldn't start planting flowers before outlining where they want to border and plan.  A construction company wouldn't begin building the house without plans, laying the foundation, etc.  I hope the kids see the connection with being successful in life and anything they do. 

I sincerely hope this has inspired you to find a small something your kids like to motivate them in class.  I would love to hear some other sports ideas since, again, I am not a sports follower.  :)

Ps:  And, I am even more excited because my girlfriend teachers are going to do football doors too.  Amy is going to do the New York Giants, but what can I say... she's a Yankees fan too.  My friendy across the hall, Jen, is going to do our NC team, Panthers.  I'll post new pictures when we get them up. 
Pps:  The Comic on the door says, Only you can prevent forest sharks with a great white flying through the forest... lol.  Along with many others.

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