09 November 2011

Bring a Veteran to School Day

Yes, this is a better title because so many of my kids asked how they were supposed to bring a Vet to school.  Haha!

Well this is the first year I can say with confidence we have taught the kids to understand what a Veteran is and why they are celebrated on November 11th. 

We have so many fathers and grandfathers coming in to share some small tidbits about thier military experience... rated G style.  For example:

1. What branch of the military did they serve?
2. Why did they join the military?
3.  Memorable experiences good/bad?

We are also going to give out our Honorary Veterans a certificate of appreciation as we salute them during the brief playing of each military song.  We have printed these certificates on flag stationary.  The students will give thier Veteran the certificate at the end of the program.

Each of our third grade classes will stand for a different branch of the military.  (Be sure to get the compolation that includes the Coast Guard) 


We are so excited about tomorrow morning as some Veterans come to share with pictures, some with uniforms and hats and some with the willingness to share with our kids the meaning of Veteran's Day. 

We Salute you Veterans!!  Most Sincerely~ Tara

Here is another military brochure if you do mini-lessons on the different branches or have the students do independent studies.

Click on the pictures to go to my webpage and download the file. Thanks- Tara

After the many events that took place.  Here are a few pictures to show you the amazing time we had. 

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