03 May 2016

Public Vs. Charter

Charter vs. Public vs. Private vs. Homeschooling

If you are going to read and engage in this, please read to the end and keep it positive.
First of all, please let me be very clear. I come in peace. I do not want a war. I think we already have a war on public education. I do not want to bash any school. People have their kids in those schools and if you are friends with a lot of people on Facebook, more than likely you are talking about a child's school. I have friends and family members that teach at all three different types of schools in different states and friends that homeschool. They all love what they do and the kids and families they serve.

But let's just take a step into my world... when did public education not serve the whole public? Since when do we strike down the very institution that is educating the mass public? All of my friends that I graduated with loved school, we had great classes, great teachers, selected great colleges and moved into jobs we thought we would love. I love my job with my whole heart, however, when I watch the news or FB feed, sometimes I'm disheartened as if I'm not good enough because I teach at a public school. Some parents have their children in one of each because, that's what their kids need. I'm happy with that, I will never try to make you feel like less because your child needs a different environment, learning style, curriculum.

They are all different. From structure, to curriculum to the population they service. I think all of any one of these would be horrible. For instance, after hurricane Katrina they moved legislation quickly to prop up for profit charter schools in the whole New Orleans' parrish. What they discovered, after providing transportation and meals like traditional public schools was that their test scores were comparable, some years being below. Do you know why? They serviced all the kids and they are kids. They change as life changing events change. Some better years than others.

They are all different. From structure, to curriculum to the population they service. I think all of any one of these would be horrible. For instance, after hurricane Katrina they moved legislation quickly to prop up for profit charter schools in the whole Parrish. What they discovered, after providing transportation and meals like traditional public schools, their test scores were comparable, some years being below. Do you know why? They serviced all the kids and they are KIDS. They change as life changing events change. Some better years than others.

We have all seen Gangster's Paradise with Coolio and Michelle Phieffer and inner city public schools. I dare say I have ever been exposed to one. We see over and over awful things that happen in public schools through the media. But friends, that is not the norm. Our public schools are brimming with amazing, talented, smart children just as much as our charter, private and homeschooling friends. Most of our children attend the same middle schools and high schools for college prep and/ or sports.

People have bad experiences all the time. I'll never forget the day a kid was taking an end of grade test and I had to call time. She wasn't even finished. I cried, she cried, parents. It was horrible. Such an awful day. Kids get bullied. But as parents we have bad experiences too. Some that make us change doctors, grocery stores, pharmacies. There are bad people, bad days, and bad places, but let's not lump all professions in with those bad ones.

Your child is going to be successful based on your commitment to them regardless of the school you choose for them. Love, support and guide them.

I spoke with both a lawyer and a neurosurgeon today and they were over the moon excited to thank a teacher. Please friends, let us be just that... Teachers of AMAZING kids! I have friends that are in every job profession all stemming from public schools. I know a plethora of kids that are graduating from college and high schools beginning their adult life... They are amazing!!! No matter their background. They worked at this game called life. Please, you don't have to support public schools, but please don't bash them. More than likely you came from one, your parents or most of your friends. I love you all.... Kind words only please.