24 July 2013

FREE 2013-2014 School Calendars

Sorry everyone,
Not very wordy today.  Busy working on school stuff while the girls are in dance camp.  I'm getting sooooooo much accomplished. Here's my alternative to buying a desk calendar.  So essentially, I am saving myself five dollars and YOU!   So here's your freebie!  I hope you enjoy.  Please leave a positive feedback after you have downloaded.  I appreciate it.  Thanks- Tara


11 July 2013

All things Chevron Editable Newsletters!

I love summer!!!!

I get so much around the house accomplished when I feel like I stay behind all year long.  Don't worry, it'll be one week into school and I'll be swamped. 

Until then... create, pin, share! Or other way around?  Anyhow...

Here is a Chevron Newsletter file that is PowerPoint so it is editable.  Of course the images are locked into place per request of the digital wonder ladies that created it!  Can you say amazing digital gurus?

Let me just say... curse you internet....
I'm so ADHD...
I start on one thing...
Then I'm like,
What's going on over on facebook,
Who is posting pictures on instagram,
Lemme check my email,
Why are people in love with candy crush,
I'll check my messages on TPT,
Did anyone post of facebook,
Wait a minute, did I read my principal's email to the end???
Go back to email,
Oh, I was working on a new document....
hmmmmm, what's going on over on facebook,
I need to email my grade level,
I forgot to check pinterest,
I just got a text,
I ammmmmm soooo distracted!!!

So, finally....


Here is your preview!!!!   I'm so thankful for all the great teachers out there that share ideas on blogs, pinterest, etc.  You guys are terrific!

And I would love if you had any suggestions or positive feedback.  I think $2.00 is a pretty low price for these beautiful newsletters, don't you?  I guess we'll see soon!  The link to purchase them can be followed by clicking on the picture! 

~ Tara

09 July 2013

This is what you need!!!! Zap that Tattle Telling right away!!!

Are you getting your procedures ready for the next school year? 

Have you seen that LONG tattle telling form and thought... That's a lot of paper?  or My students are not going to fill that out?

Here is the solution for you.  I have used this in my classroom for 11 years and now I have fancied it up just for YOU... My special blog followers... because I have no linky for late Tuesday night :)

I have a index card box I continue to file these in throughout the year for documentation.  However, I am not allowed to work in my classroom at all this summer... so I can't show you a real picture.  Here's what I made for you and for me. 

I used scrapbook paper to make a larger pocket card, I'm sure you all have seen this on pinterest.  I also will laminate and locate nearest the door.  You will be surprised how many students drop off notes at the beginning or end of the day.  They just slide them in while no one is looking. 

Students can write their notes on any scrap paper, I have never used this form before, but these were the requirements for the notes.  Make sure you envelope dips down a little in the front so you can see when notes are in there.  Students will normally fold or hide their note away from other kids reading it. 

So if you want to eliminate tattling in your class, what are you waiting for????  (those are my daughter's cute little owl stickers :P

Here's the link to this freebie:

This form is great for students to relay a multitude of different messages to you from great/private/announcement news to personal problems in class, or other areas of their life. It also serves as a wonderful form of documentation if you file them all in one area. Students put the form or a blank paper in the envelope when they have a chance, teachers read as soon as possible and handle it according. ZERO tattle telling in class. This has been the most wonderful thing in my classroom, so I thought I would share. Other teachers talk about students blurting out, shouting, just plain tattle telling at recess in the hall, etc.... NOPE, not me, students know to fill out a short form. Waaa lah! I hope you enjoy. 

And I have a new grant on DONORS CHOOSE if you could consider donating to an IPAD for my class.  Thanks everyone:)

I would love your feed back and anyone who wants to follow for more great freebies!!!!  Nighty night wonderful blog friends.

~ Tara